

Research & Development Cell

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

ICONICA International Conference 2020

ICONICA International Conference 2020
Click here to view: ICONICA International Conference 2020

  Dated: 13/01/2020
1. 14/02/2025Participation in Two Week Capacity Building Programme for Young faculty Members of Social Sciences Sponsored by ICSSR, New Delhi held from 17th to 28th March 2025.
2. 29/01/2025Call for award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2024.
3. 27/01/2025IGSTC PECFAR Call 2025: Networking opportunity for Indian and German Early Career Researchers.
4. 27/01/2025Invitation of nominations for INSA Young Associates (IYA)/INSA Associate Fellows (IAF)
5. 22/01/2025 Invitation to Participate in the International Conference on the Sacred Saraswati River on 31-01-2025 and 01-02-2025 at Dr. R.K. Sadan & Senate Hall, Kurukshetra University, Haryana.
6. 14/01/2025Call for Nominations/ In-House Training Program/ RTI & GeM Training Program/ Webinars for Engineering/ Secretaries / Executives/ Assistants/ Admin staff in collaboration with IISTD .
7. 14/01/2025Invitation to participate in the online National Level Faculty Development Program on Enhancing Learning Experiences by Leveraging Cutting-Edge Technology and Employing Creative Strategies
8. 13/01/2025LIFE- Loyola college National conference on UN Sustainable Development Goals on 3rd and 4th of March 2025 in Loyola college, Chennai.
9. 13/01/2025Invitation to Present Research Paper at Christ University International Conference on AI, Industry 5.0, and Sustainable Innovation on March 22, 2025.
10. 08/01/2025Invitation - 28th Punjab Science Congress (PSC-2025)
11. 08/01/2025Cultural festival Mahakumbh at Prayagraj, Shiksha Sanskriti Utthan Nyas organizing Gyan Mahakumbh-2081.
12. 03/01/2025Extension of Proposal Submission Deadline for Visvesvaraya Ph.D Scheme.
13. 11/11/2024Invitation to the 6th International Conference on Harmony in Innovation : Bridging Disciplines for Research, Innovation and Sustainable Future, scheduled for December 02, 2024, at RIMT University, PB.
14. 21/10/20246th International Conference on Applications of Fluid Dynamics (ICAFD 2024)
15. 23/09/2024UGC’s '6 Days Basic Training Programme in Bharatiya Jnana Parampara (IKS)'
16. 09/09/2024Extension of date for submission of technical papers for 18th National Seminar up to 30.09.2024.
17. 23/08/2024 Competition for designing the new logo of Central University of Punjab.
18. 09/07/2024Sir C V Raman Scientist Award 2024 - Nominations - Invited
19. 02/07/20244th Himachal Science Congress
20. 26/06/2024Encouraging Faculty to Prepare and Submit Projects under ICSSR Call for Collaborative Research Project for Vision Viksit Bharat @ 2047 .
21. 21/06/2024Regarding submission of documents for Finalization of accounts under the SAP scheme.
22. 14/06/2024Request for Research papers on different verticals of Swachh Bharat Mission (Grameen) Phase-II.
23. 05/06/2024Basic Certificate courses and Advanced Certificate Courses provided by ICPS for the July session.
24. 21/05/2024Panjab University notified as an " Approved Institution" under Section 35(1) (ii) of Income Tax Act 1961.
25. 21/05/2024Applications for the post of Full time DPIIT-IPR Chair Professor at Panjab University, Chandigarh.
26. 20/05/2024Applications / Nominations invited for recruitment of Vice Chancellor, BGSB University, Rajouri, J&K .
27. 17/05/2024Final list of interest for the financial year 2023-24 of UGC and Non-UGC.
28. 17/05/2024Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies
29. 08/05/2024Professional Fellows Program on Governance and Society - Deadline Approaching!
30. 07/05/2024AIU Consultancy Services for Member Universities
31. 26/04/2024Budget estimates for proper utilization and maintenance of high end equipments
32. 08/04/2024Applications invited for the post of one Research Assistant and one Field Investigator (purely on temporary/ contract basis) under the ICSSR sponsored Minor Research Project 2023-24.
33. 26/02/2024URGENT: Reg. financial stakes of the University in any start-up company and the information regarding charges/rentals from a start-up/company
34. 13/02/2024Status report of active Professors' Emeritus (Annexure 1).
35. 12/02/2024National Conference on Biotechnological Innovation for Societal Applications, 2024 at Gujarat Biotechnology University, Gandhinagar.
36. 09/02/2024Vice-Chancellor's Awards for the Outstanding faculty members
37. 06/02/2024Vice-Chancellor's Awards for Ph.D. Research Excellence
38. 31/01/2024Extension of deadline for submission of applications for award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2023.
39. 19/01/2024DATE EXTENDED: Applications for the post of Full time DPIIT-IPR Chair Professor at Panjab University, Chandigarh (31-01-2024).
40. 16/01/2024Call for Proposals Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) Phase III.
41. 05/01/2024DATE EXTENDED: Applications for the positions at PU-IIT Ropar RAHI. Last date for application 23-01-2024.
42. 05/01/2024Flyer of the NEP Orientation & Sensitization programme from 22/01/2024 to 31/01/2024 - MMTTC, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab.
44. 21/12/2023Call for award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D - 2023.
45. 19/12/2023Call for R&D Innovation proposals at PI-RAHI
46. 19/12/2023Applications for the positions at PU-IIT Ropar RAHI. Last date for application -05-01-2024
47. 19/12/2023Applications for the post of Full time DPIIT-IPR Chair Professor at Panjab University, Chandigarh.
48. 08/12/2023Invitation to Participate in the Sixth International Conference on BRICS Development and Governance on March 6-8, 2023.
49. 07/12/2023URGENT: One day seminar on "Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery: Applications and Challenges" on December 8, 2023 at Seminar Hall, BMS Block -II, PU, South Campus.
50. 04/12/2023Advertisement for the post of Raja Jwala PrasadPost-Doctoral Fellowship from BHU.
51. 20/11/2023 Invitation to Participate in the Sixth International Conference on BRICS Development and Governance
52. 17/11/2023Application form & Advertisement for the position of Vice-Chancellor of Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Anand, Gujarat .
53. 07/11/2023Conduct a workshop cum training program to write effective Research grant proposals for seeking grants from Govt Funding Agencies ie DST DBT,ICSSR, SERB, AICTE etc During 6th, 7th and 8th November 23.
54. 28/10/2023CLUSTER_LOGO_CONTEST_RAHI (CLOSING DATE: 15.11.2023)
55. 26/10/2023Advertisement for the Post of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/Chief Operating Officer (COO)
56. 21/09/2023Inviting applications for the various teaching positions in Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University,Dabwali Road, Bathinda, Punjab
57. 20/09/2023ICSSR North-Western Regional Centre, P.U. Chandigarh Seminar Grant proposals for the year 2023-24.
58. 20/09/2023ICSSR North-Western Regional Centre, P.U. Chandigarh Study Grant Scheme for the year 2023-24.
59. 15/09/2023Date Extended: Hari Ram Arora and Bhajan Kaur Arora Medals for ‘Best Paper’ 2023.
60. 30/08/2023Proposal for Multi-disciplinary Education and Research Universities.
61. 28/08/2023Regarding Budget estimate for proper utilization and maintenance of high end equipments.
62. 28/08/2023Opportunity to attend SET-FEST Conference 2023 on 12-13 October,2023.
63. 22/08/2023Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-USHA) Guidelines.
64. 22/08/2023Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-USHA) Objectives Summary.
65. 22/08/2023Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-USHA) Chairpersons/Deans Activities.
66. 18/07/2023Inviting proposals for Research and Development Projects for the year 2023-24.
67. 13/06/2023Applications for the post of Full time DPIIT-IPR Chair Professor at Panjab University, Chandigarh
68. 02/06/2023Final List of Interest 2022-2023 UGC & Non-UGC
69. 11/05/2023The Hon'ble Prime Minister's address webcast on May 11, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. on the occasion of National Technology Day
71. 04/05/2023AIU-INIHE Webinar on Fostering Knowledge Ecosystem “Role of universities in India and USA -A comparative perspective by Indian diaspora".
72. 02/05/2023Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies, Last Date for submitting proposals is 15.06.2023.
73. 14/04/2023BROCHURE: Invitation for attending special lecture on 17th April, 2023 at 10:30 AM in Golden Jubilee Hall P.U. CHD
74. 13/04/2023Call for Papers: AICTE Sponsored IEEE International Conference on Networks, Multimedia and Information Technology (NMITCON)
75. 29/03/2023Lok Sabha Internship Guidelines-SCHEME-2023
76. 28/03/2023Invitation and call for papers to International Conference on Environment Climate Change and Renewable Energy (ICECR 2023).
77. 15/03/2023Call for Project Proposal under Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure in Universities and Higher Educational Institutions (FIST) Program – 2023.
78. 06/02/2023Invitation to attend One Week FDP (ONLINE MODE) from 27th February, 2023 - 4th March, 2023
79. 09/01/2023Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (01 Post) in SERB-DST (CRG) PROJECT at Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh.
80. 05/01/2023DATE EXTENDED 15:03:2023:Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2022.
82. 09/12/2022ASCI: DST sponsored Training Programme on ":General Management Programme for Women Scientists" December 12-23, 2022.
83. 05/12/2022Application Format Process of applying and evaluation matix for ICSI Gurushrestha Award
84. 21/11/2022UGC letter regarding talk on Taking Inspiration From India Educational Heritage on 22nd November, 2022 at 07:30 PM (IST).
85. 10/11/2022BOSCO Annual Essay Writing Competition 2022-23.
86. 21/10/2022REVISED & UPDATED: NEP 2020: Useful links for Indian Knowledge System and other reading material.
87. 27/09/2022Extension for submission of Ph.D theses.
88. 22/09/2022Guidelines and proforma for submission of proposal for Financial Assistance to the students for Innovative work/project.
89. 08/09/2022REVISED & UPDATED: NEP 2020: Useful links for Indian Knowledge System and other reading material.
90. 30/08/2022Brochure and Poster GIAN Online Short Term Course on Manuals of Motherhood
91. 29/08/2022M.Tech. in Food Technology at Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bangalore
92. 26/08/2022SSS -Bulk Registration (Excel format)
93. 17/08/2022Research Paper Writing Competition Subhash – Swaraj – Sarkar Jointly organized by Bharatiya Shikshan Mandal - Yuva Aayam and Research For Resurgence Foundation.
95. 12/08/2022CHASCON-2022
96. 27/07/2022MOST URGENT: Instructions/Procedure for data submission to IQAC Cell.
97. 07/07/2022Full Time Residential Summer School, 2022
98. 01/07/2022Details of Senators/Advisors to facilitate to various departments in the context of speedy admission of data for NAAC implementation on NEP.
99. 29/06/2022URGENT: Invitation for Webinar on 30th June 2022, Time: 12:00 noon onwards
100. 26/06/2022 EXIT FORM Proforma to be filled by the students/ Ph.D Scholars of your Department.
101. 16/06/2022Public notice to be placed in front of the laboratory (PURSE Programmme).
102. 16/06/2022Format of retention of Instruments under PURSE Programme.
103. 01/06/2022UGC Guidelines for establishment of Research & Development Cell
104. 27/05/2022National Level Slogan Making Competition on World Environment Day.
105. 24/05/2022MOST URGENT: Final list of Interest for the F.Y. 2021-2022 UGC
106. 24/05/2022MOST URGENT: Final list of Interest for the F.Y. 2021-2022 Non-UGC Grant
107. 11/05/2022 Online conference on NEP-2020 held on 11 May at 11:00 AM.
108. 30/04/2022Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies, Last Date for submitting proposals is 15.06.2022..
109. 27/04/2022Revised & updated: ATTENTION Reference NEP 2020: Useful links for Indian Knowledge System and other reading material.
110. 21/04/2022Draft recommendations of the committee constituted for planning implementation.
111. 13/04/2022One Week Online Short Term Course on Design and Development of Online Courses
112. 29/03/2022Announcement by Ministry of Mines inviting Science and Technology Project Proposals on SATYABHAMA Portal for FY 2022-23 till 15.04.2022.
113. 24/03/2022पत्रिका राजभाषा भारती में छपने के लिए .
114. 04/03/2022Reg. signature of the Chairperson and Supervisor in Ph.D thesis.
115. 25/02/2022 Invitation for Discidium 2022
116. 23/02/2022Format of undertaking for NMIC (Not manufactured in India Certificate)
117. 28/01/2022Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2021
118. 19/01/2022Uploading of full text theses in Shodhganga, a repository of full text theses and dissertations
120. 17/12/2021Academic Integrity and Research Quality
121. 03/12/2021URGENT: Departmental Academic Integrity Panel (DAIP) to investigate allegations of plagiarism at departmental level.
122. 28/10/2021URGENT & KIND ATTENTION: Reg. PU Ph.D fellowship 2020
123. 06/10/2021URGENT: Proposals invited under DIC scheme (Details of ongoing progress and proforma of DIC PU)
124. 16/09/2021 Guidelines with regard to payment of Honorarium/Remuneration to members of various committees/experts etc.
125. 15/09/2021Kind attention: UGC guidelines to be followed in CAS promotion cases
126. 19/07/2021Financial assistance for organising the seminars, conferences and workshops during the year 2021-22.
127. 19/07/2021Financial Assistance to Research Scholars under Study Grant Scheme who are pursuing Ph.D in the field of Social Sciences for the financial year 2021-22.
128. 09/06/2021Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2020.
129. 02/06/2021Proforma-DST iTBI (NIDHI Inclusive Technology Business Incubator)-Application Assistance-Last date 25th June, 2021
130. 21/05/2021MOST URGENT: Final list of Interest for the F.Y. 2020-2021 Non-UGC Grant
131. 21/05/2021MOST URGENT: Final list of Interest for the F.Y. 2020-2021 UGC
132. 09/04/2021Extension of Dissertation/Thesis/Golden Chances upto 31-12-2021
133. 05/04/2021Extension for submission of Ph.D synopsis.
134. 26/03/2021Guidelines for using URKUND Software.
135. 18/02/2021Collaborative Research Grants for Partnership proposals between PU and NTU, UK .Last Date is March 5, 2021
136. 25/11/2020Conduct of viva-voce of M.Phil/Ph.D students through Skype
137. 18/11/2020UGC Public Notice reg Good Academic Research Practices (GARP)
138. 09/11/2020MOST URGENT: “Deliverables and Prototypes” developed at Panjab University during the last five years .
139. 03/11/2020STARS Workshop on Grant Writing funded by the Ministry of Education.
140. 16/10/2020SOP for Research Scholars of Panjab University, Chandigarh
141. 07/10/2020Details of M.Sc./Postgraduate Course(s) wherein Res. Lab is required for Dissertation work.
142. 30/09/2020INVITATION: Virtual Inaugration of HRDC Building, South Campus, Sector 25, on October 1, 2020 (Thursday) 4:00 pm
143. 29/09/2020Award of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Scholarship for PhD Scholars in the field of Cooperation by the National Cooperative Union of India, New Delhi.
144. 04/09/2020ASCI: DST sponsored training program on 'Science Administration and Research Management'. September 28 - October 9, 2020.
145. 10/08/2020Submission of Proposal for Third Party Evaluation of Joint Research Projects under the Indo-Israel Joint Research Programme.
146. 06/08/2020Dr. Ambedkar Doctoral and Post Doctoral Fellowship, 2020-21
147. 27/07/2020Inviting proposals for the Collaborative Research Studies /Workshops/ Seminars/ Roundtables Conferences of Vice Chancellors/Anveshan: SRC
148. 09/07/2020Final List of Interest 2019-2020 UGC & Non-UGC Grant
149. 03/07/2020Japanese Government MEXT Scholarship 2021 for research students: Last date of application: 09 July 2020
150. 01/07/2020Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute programmes for the year 2020-21.
151. 29/06/2020Call for projects of the Indo-Swiss joint research programme 2020.Last Date-11 September, 2020
152. 17/06/2020Detailed information of the Vice Chancellor's address from 18/06/2020 to 23/06/2020.
153. 17/06/2020Interaction of Hon'ble Vice Chancellor with research scholars on Webex from 18/06/2020 to 23/06/2020.
154. 11/06/2020Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies, Last Date for submitting proposals is 15.08.2020.
155. 04/06/2020Eligibility conditions for admissions in M.Phil/Ph.D in various Departments
156. 13/05/2020Acharya Devo Bhava: Interaction on 14th May, at 12:00 noon, GOI, MHRD
157. 13/05/2020Acharya Devo Bhava
158. 20/04/2020Recommendations of Advisory Committee on dated 20/04/2020 for Faculty
159. 09/04/2020Opportunities for students and faculty to learn ICT initiatives of MHRD and UGC
160. 05/04/2020Online workshop on latest tools and techniques of online teaching.
161. 09/03/2020Vice Chancellor's Interaction with all HODs today i.e. 09/03/2020 at 3:00 p.m. onwards in VCCR.
162. 28/02/2020Schedule of All India Police meet 2020 on 03/03/2020 to 07/03/2020 in Tau Devi Lal Cricket Stadium, Panchkula,Haryana.
163. 26/02/2020Filling up of one post of Research Assistant Group-B on deputation basis.
164. 17/02/2020Call for New Economic Thought Leaders amongst Youth
165. 13/02/2020Revised Programme ICONICA-2020 (13th -14th February, 2020)
166. 04/02/2020Lecture on Ethical Issues and Concerns in Higher Education on 05.02.2020 at 3 pm in English Auditorium, Panjab University
167. 04/02/2020National Seminar on ‘Climate Emergency: No Time Left; Act Now’on 15.2.2020 at Panjab Univeristy.
168. 21/01/2020Call for Nominations- Prof. P.V. Sukhatme National Award 2020 for Lifetime Contributions and Achievements in the field of Statistics .Last Date for nomination is 17-02-2020
169. 30/12/2019Renewal of registration of Custom Duty exemption
170. 26/12/2019Gazette notification of Ministry of corporate affairs dated 28 Feb 2014 regarding CSR.
171. 26/12/2019 International Summit on Quality Indices in Higher Education (ISQIHE 2020) during 19th-21st March 2020 at Delhi Technological University, Delhi.
172. 18/12/2019Invitation for Participation in the T. N. Khoshoo Memorial Lecture & Award Function on 19-12-19 at 10:30 am in auditorium of Botany department.
173. 17/12/2019Special lectures and discussion on Society, Education and Justice by Sh. MukulKanitkar Ji at CIL SAIF Lab on December 17, 2019 at 3:50 PM
174. 11/12/2019COP+25 International Climate Action Course
175. 06/12/2019Two-day International Conference, ICONICA-2020, on "Next-Gen Paradigms in Health Care" on 13-14 February 2020.
176. 24/10/2019Programme announcement: Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI) for the second round of the year 2019-20
177. 01/10/2019Guest Lecture at PGIMER on 03/10/2019.
178. 26/09/2019Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2019
180. 24/09/2019Submission of Legacy Cases Data on UGC-Canara Bank Scholarship Portal
181. 19/09/2019 Format for recommendation of new journal(s) in UGC-CARE List of Journals
182. 11/09/2019Proforma to be fiiled up and bring in the PIs meeting on 12/09/19 at 10:00 a.m. in UICET Auditorium.
183. 06/09/2019Plastic Waste Free Campaign (Swachhata Hi Seva 2019) from 11th September to 27th October, 2019
184. 28/08/2019Minutes to Minute Programme of Nobel Prize Series India 2019 in Punjab.
185. 08/08/2019 "World Water Summit 2019" from 21-23 August 2019, New Delhi
186. 07/08/2019Proposal for Mandatory visit of Under Graduate students in Colleges/Universities to Pushpa Gujral Science City
187. 06/08/2019Amendments in Ph.D /M.Phil Guidelines-2017 w.e.f. 28/05/19
188. 18/07/2019Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute programmes for the year 2019-20.
189. 04/07/2019INSPIRE Faculty Fellowship Scheme: a component under INSPIRE: The last date for ONLINE submission of application is 31st August 2019..
190. 01/07/2019Dr. D.C. Pavate Memorial Fellowship in Cambridge, 2020
191. 10/06/2019Nominations for the Presidential Award of Certificate of Honour to Scholars.
192. 10/06/2019Invitation for nomination of short term IPR-Patent, Trademark & Copyrights Programs.
193. 04/06/2019Global Cooling Prize
194. 04/06/2019Joint Summer School with Stony Brooke University at UICET & Department of Geology, Auditorium.
195. 03/06/2019Requirement of a self funded research scientist aspiring to get enrolled in Ph.d program at PGIMER,Chandigarh
196. 27/05/2019Research Fellowship and Scholarship to Iraqi Professors,Assistant Professors, Lecturers and Iraqi Students.
197. 22/05/2019Panjab University Research Policy
198. 22/05/2019Panjab University Plagiarism Policy
199. 30/04/2019 Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies, Last Date for submitting proposals is 01.07.2019
200. 13/02/2019Fulbright-Nehru Specialist Program Announced; Deadline: April 15, 2019
201. 04/02/20192020-2021 Fulbright-Nehru, other Fulbright, and Fulbright-Kalam Climate Fellowship programs for study, research, teaching and professional development in the U.S.
202. 24/12/2018Cooperation in Horizon 2020 : Calls of Proposals Co-funded by DBT
204. 02/11/2018Amendments in UGC-Canara Canara Bank Portal for streamlining the process regarding payment of fellowship under various schemes.
205. 30/10/2018Call inviting proposals 2018-2019; Submission Deadline: 31st March 2019
206. 25/10/2018Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D (2018)
207. 15/10/2018Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration (SPARC) Joint collaboration proposals: Last date for proposal submission is 15th Nov. 2018
208. 12/10/2018Call for Nominations forSERB Distinguished Fellow ship 2018-19
209. 11/10/2018Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B): Call for Research Proposals (2018-19): Last date of proposal submission is 5th, November, 2018
210. 09/10/2018Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute programmes for the year 2018-19.
211. 24/09/2018Submission of legacy cases data on UGC web portal upto 30.09.2018.
212. 20/09/2018PU UBS: Essay Competition to Celebrate World Maritime Day 2018.
213. 12/09/2018Gandhian Young Technological Innovation Awards, 2019: Last date for submission of entries is October 31, 2018
214. 11/09/2018 Inviting applications for ICSSR/IPE Doctoral Fellowships-2019: :Application last date is 25.09.2018
215. 06/09/2018CDTI INDIA - Opportunity for Technological Cooperation in One Health between India and Spain: Deadline for proposals: 1ST OCTOBER 2018.
216. 05/09/2018UGC 12 Plan Grant Guidelines for "Faculty Development Programme"
217. 05/09/2018UGC 12 Plan Grant Guidelines for "Publication Grant"
218. 05/09/2018UGC 12 Plan Grant Guidelines for "Establishment of Career and Counseling Cell"
219. 05/09/2018UGC 12 Plan Grant Guidelines for " Visiting Professors/Visiting Fellows".
220. 13/08/2018National Council of Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC), DST's AWSAR (Augmenting Writing Skills for Articulating Research): Last date for application submission is 30th September, 2018 .
221. 13/08/2018NRDC National Meritorious Invention Awards of the Year 2018: Last date for submission of Online application is 15th October, 2018.
222. 08/08/2018NRDC- Innovation Facilitation Centre Programme-2018: last date for proposal submission is 31 August, 2018 upto 5:30 pm.
223. 02/08/2018Call of Applications for Doctoral, Post-Doctoral and Senior Fellowships for the year 2018-19, ICSSR, New Delhi: Last date for online application is 14th August, 2018 (hard copy is 21st August, 2018).
224. 27/07/2018Fulbright-Nehru Fellowship opportunity for a two-week U.S. visit to learn about various facets of U.S. higher education Application Deadline: August 31, 2018.
225. 23/07/2018INSPIRE Faculty Award 2018 (Session II): The last date for ONLINE submission of application is 31st August 2018.
226. 16/07/2018Amended Ph.D. Guidelines 2017
227. 11/07/2018Support for Enterpreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators
228. 29/06/2018Dr. D.C. Pavate Memorial Fellowship in Cambridge,2019.
229. 14/06/2018BioNEST-Panjab University Announces 1st Call for Proposals Under Secondary Agriculture /Food Processing Entrepreneurial Network (SAEN) in Punjab: Last date extended till 31 July, 2018
230. 14/06/2018Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, Programme announcement for the year 2018-19; Deadline is 27th June, 2018
231. 12/06/2018Call for proposals to the Indian Beamline at PF, KEK, Japan: Deadline 15th June, 2018
232. 11/06/2018LATERAL RECRUITMENT TO SENIOR POSITIONS IN GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (For Academics) Last date is 30th July, 2018
233. 08/06/20184th World Summit on Accreditation (WOSA 2018) from 7th to 9th September, 2018, Last Date for Online Registration: Sep 06,2018
234. 06/06/2018Newton-Bhabha Fund PhD Placements Programme 2018 - 19, Last date is 4 August, 2018
235. 06/06/2018DWIH New Delhi Poster Competition 2018- Last date is 15 July, 2018.
236. 31/05/2018SEWA Bharat Internship for Community Development at Saketri, Panchkula
237. 30/05/2018NASI-Scopus Young Scientist Awards-2018
238. 25/05/2018Migration of data relating to Scholars/Fellowships from Canara Bank branches to Institution based-UGC webportal
239. 21/05/2018 Prime Ministers Fellowship Scheme for Doctoral Research- Last Date is 25 May, 2018
240. 17/05/2018GIAN program on Nanotechnology for Waste Water Treatment: New Directions and Opportunities (NWWT-2018) at NIT Jalandhar-Last date for the registration is August 15, 2018
241. 17/05/2018The German Chancellor Fellowship for tomorrow's leaders- last date is 15 September, 2018
242. 17/05/2018DST Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Fellowships- Last date is 10 June, 2018
243. 16/05/2018International Conference on Gender Equality- Last date is 31 July, 2018.
244. 16/05/2018Incentives for Science & Engineering Faculty from PURSE Grant II Last date is 15 June, 2018.
245. 16/05/2018IDST Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy Fellowships- Last Date is 10 June, 2018
246. 04/05/2018 United States-India Science and technology Endowment Fund: Submission dealine is 15 June, 2018
247. 03/05/2018Lecture on Ten Commandments of Health by Dr Sandeep Chhatwal on 7 May at 2.45 pm in UICET Auditorium.
248. 01/05/2018International School on Energy Systems-2018 (last date is 15 June 2018)
249. 20/04/2018Project Funded Ph.D Fellowships 2018-19 at NIAS, Bengaluru: Last Date is 30 April, 2018.
250. 13/04/2018Call for a PhD thesis under "Make Our Planet Grean Again" initiative at Universit de Toulouse, France: Apply before 22.04.2018
251. 10/04/2018Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies, Last Date for submitting proposals is 29.06.2018.
252. 27/03/2018 NCRI Doctoral Fellowship for pursuing Ph.D in Rural Studies-Last Date for apply is 28.03.2018 .
253. 08/03/2018Marie Sklodowska-Curie European Fellowship, University of Birmingham-Last date is 20th April, 2018.
254. 06/03/2018University of Birmingham India Institute Fellowship Scheme-2017-18
255. 01/03/2018Summer Fellowship awarded by Digital Identity Research Initiative (DIRI) last date for application is March 6,2018.
256. 28/02/2018Research Associates for new Agricultural Markets Project (CASI) apply by 15th March,2018.
257. 21/02/20182018 Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) for Graduate Degrees
258. 15/02/2018 Details of Fulbright-Nehru and other Fulbright Fellowships for Indian Citizens for the AY 2019-2020.Y
259. 09/02/2018Details of INFLIBNET Centre's statistical repository of Socio-Economic and Industrial data.
260. 09/02/2018Inviting Teachers/Professors to take up research from Women and Child Development schemes
261. 23/01/2018Call for Proposals -2018 under India-Iran Bilateral S&T Cooperation- Last Date for apply is February 15, 2018
262. 22/01/2018NCRI Doctoral Fellowships for pursuing PhD in Rural Studies last date for application is 25.01.2018.
263. 19/01/2018Guidelines for submission of CD of Ph.D Theses in requisite format
264. 19/01/20189th Indian Youth $cience Congress at Career Point University,Hamirpur,Himachal Pradesh from April 7-9,2018
265. 26/12/2017 Research Methods Course on Gender Rights and and Policy in Multicultural Socities-Last date for registration is 15th January, 2018
266. 15/12/2017National Specialized Training Workshop on Statistical Applications (SPSS & R-Packages) to Research Data Visulaization & Analysis at Chandigarh on 8th to 14th January,2018
267. 14/12/2017Workshop on 'Multi-scale Climate Governance in India: Understanding the Challenges and Opportunities' on 18-19 January, 2018 (Proposal submission upto 20.12.2017)
268. 14/12/2017International Conference on India Asean Partnership @ 25 on 10th February, 2018 at GITAM, Visakhapatnam- Last Date for Abstracts submission: Jan. 15, 2018
269. 13/12/2017 Chevening Gurukul Fellowship open from 15 Dec upto 28 Feb 2018
270. 12/12/2017Residential program on "Innovation & Change Management for Organisational Excellence" from 29th Jan-2nd Feb., 2018 at Port Blair
271. 12/12/201721st Punjab Science Congress on Scientific Advances for Inclusive Development and Environmental from February 7-9, 2018
272. 11/12/2017AICTE Sponsored Two Weeks Faculty Development Programme from 01st-12th January, 2018- Last date: 20 Dec. 2017
273. 11/12/2017Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Seminar (IEAS)-2018-19 (Last Date-15.02.2018)
274. 11/12/2017Social Science Congress (CHASSCONG-2018) Last date for abstracts submission-10.01.2018
275. 20/11/2017SICI Announcement of Programme for the 2nd Round for Year 2017-18
276. 20/11/2017International Conference (Jointly organised by RPC PU and LSME London) on Responsible Research and Innovation in Science, Management and EducationAll headers from 4-6 April, 2018
277. 10/11/2017Post Doc opportunities and research at University of British Columbia,Canada
278. 07/11/2017ASSOCHAM- Skill India Summit- 17 November 2017- Chandigarh
279. 03/11/2017National Workshop on Small Angle X-ray Scattering (NSAXS-2017) on November 6-8,2017
280. 18/10/2017CHASCON-2018, 12th Chandigarh Science Congress,Panjab university,Chandigarh
281. 12/10/2017UK-India joint research call on "Cultural Heritage and Rapid Urbanization"
282. 11/10/2017Scientific Awards and honours for the year 2017,Odisha Bigyan Academy,Bhubaneswar
283. 28/09/2017Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship (PDF)-Feb. 2018, at INST, Mohali
284. 22/09/2017Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2017
285. 20/09/2017Residential Tarining Programme on " Digital Transformation through e-Governance" from December 18-22, 2017
286. 11/09/2017Instructions for Quality Paper Presentation in Seminars/Conferences
287. 08/09/2017National workshop on Research Methodology in Social Sciences on October 24-30,2017
288. 07/09/2017OPEN DAY OUTREACH Pre-Event program at INST on 8th September, 2017
289. 07/09/2017UGC-UKIERI call for Research Proposal 2017-18
290. 07/09/2017DST-UKIERI call for Research Proposal 2017-18
291. 23/08/2017Call for a PhD Student at University of Lille, FRANCE
292. 08/08/2017Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for MoU Consideration
293. 04/08/2017Newton-Bhabha Fund opportunities for Science Faculty and Ph.D Scholars
294. 28/07/2017Annual Essay Prize/Annual Decision Making/Teaching Case Study Competition-2017, IIPA, New Delhi
295. 11/07/2017VAJRA (Visiting Advanced Joint Research Faculty Scheme)
296. 10/07/2017National E-Scholarship: for various scholarship schemes of Government of India
297. 10/07/2017Rules & Application Form of Scholarship by SARBAT DA BHALA CHARITABLE TRUST
298. 30/06/2017Ph.D Guidelines 2017
299. 29/06/2017Dr. D. C Pavate Memorial Fellowship in Cambridge,2018
300. 15/06/2017UGC D.O. no. F.1-2/2016 (PS/III Amendment) 14th June 2017 regarding final list of journals for the purpose of Career Advancement Scheme(CAS)
301. 09/06/2017Nomination for prestigious awards by Indian Academy of Biomedical Sciences for promoting academic excellence
302. 07/06/2017Call for application Newton Bhabha PhD Placement Grant 2017-18
303. 07/06/2017UGC D.O. No. F.1-2/2009/(EC/PS) (Vol.II)- Last Reminder
304. 26/05/2017ICSSR Financial Assistance to Research Scholars for consulting Libraries/Archives/Data Centres in India.
305. 09/05/2017Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies (Guidelines and Format)
306. 18/04/2017 UGC D.O. no. F.1-2/2016 (PS/III Amendment) 11th April 2017 regarding approved list of journals for the purpose of Career Advancement Scheme(CAS)
307. 28/03/2017Enrolment open: AuthorAID free online course starting on 18 April 2017
308. 20/03/2017Format for sending the details re. enrollment of Ph.D. students
309. 30/01/2017 INSPIRE Faculty Award 2017 Session
310. 30/01/2017Allotment of temporary (One- time applicable) Pre-registration number to applicants for PM fellowship or any such prestigious fellowship
311. 16/01/2017Fulbright-Nehru International Education Administrators Seminar (IEAS)
312. 03/10/2016Exemption from NET etc. for Panjab University Ph.Ds registred before 11-07-2009
313. 21/06/2016Proforma for Publication Fee /Charges out of the Budget Head"Improvement of Education" Sub Head D-Publication Fee/Charges
314. 26/05/2016Application form for Fellowship Under R&D Grant-in-Aid Scheme of IEI
315. 25/05/2016Guidelines and Terms & Conditions for Financial Assistance for Short Term Research Studies, DST, Chandigarh Administration
316. 21/04/2016Proforma and norms for recogition of Research Centre
317. 04/04/2016Ph.D guidelines 2014
318. 18/03/2016UGC 12 Plan Guidelines for Visiting Professors/Visiting Fellows

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